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More than once you have saved me from repeating the same old mistakes. Jon and I love each other, and I cannot even think of what could have happened to our relationship had we not spoken with you. We refer all of our friends to you.
      Lucy, student

I was stunned when, in three minutes, my boyfriend understood what I had been trying to tell him for three years. Before I spoke with you, I did not believe a stranger could help us. Now, you are not a stranger any more.
      Kathy, account manager

…It was like someone took the blindfold from our eyes, turned on the light, dispersed the fog… It seems so obvious now that fighting with in-laws is as much inviting them to our life as worshiping them, but we would never realized that without you… You should advertise in all newspapers, people need your help!..
      Ron, consulting business owner
      Ora, housekeeper and a mother of three

I want to let you know how much I've appreciated your help with certain issues I encountered with my colleagues in the office. Not only did my mental state improve, but the productivity of the group I manage was boosted and we were able to meet our senior management’s expectations... Your corporate and technological experience was similar to mine, and played an important role... I want to thank you on behalf of myself and my company for being able to pinpoint the very issues that interfered with our productive communication.
      Wayne, director, investment banking

Thank you for helping me realize how much God has given me, and how little of it I use.
      Annie, graduate student

When you first told me about co-dependency, I did not believe you. I was seriously considering going to another counselor. However, I am so glad that I stayed with you. I would have never been able to weather my family’s discouragement and unconscious attempts to keep me from drinking if you had not taken my hand and walked me through every step.
      Mathew, attorney

I do not have to tell you how much you've helped me. After years in treatment with other therapists, I did not have much hope. I never told you... It was my father who literally forced me to see you. He heard about you from a friend and told me that you must be different, and I found that you are. Now, I have changed. My life has changed, and I have you to thank for it. My parents asked me to thank you too.
      Linda, medical doctor

For years, I had tried to find someone who could help me. Therapists, family counselors, even psychics. You are different from them. You could always explain things to me so that I could get them. You were always on my side. We laughed together, and you taught me to trust my feelings.
      Olga, college professor

As an immigrant yourself, you not only knew what was happening to us, but also why it was happening. For this, we thank you.
      Alex, computer programmer
      Bella, music teacher

To schedule your appointment or for a free intoductory telephone consultation
please call 201-497-0289 or email at therapy@fradkov.com.